Business Etiquette

This Business Etiquette workshop examines the basics, most importantly to be considerate of others, dress/appearance, the workplace versus social situations, business meetings, proper introductions and “the handshake”, conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences affecting international business opportunities, dealing with interruptions, and proper business email and telephone etiquette.




    Have you ever been in a situation where:

    • You met someone important and had no idea what to say or do?
    • You spilled soup all over yourself at an important business event?
    • You showed up at an important meeting under or overdressed?

    Let’s face it: we’ve all had those embarrassing etiquette gaffes. Our Business Etiquette workshop will help you look and sound your best no matter what the situation.

    Business Etiquette Workshop Outline

    Module One: Getting Started

    • Workshop Objectives

    Module Two: Understanding Etiquette

    • Etiquette Defined
    • The Importance of Business Etiquette

    Module Three: Networking for Success

    • Creating an Effective Introduction
    • Making a Great First Impression
    • Minimizing Nervousness
    • Using Business Cards Effectively
    • Remembering Names

    Module Four: The Meet and Greet

    • The Three-Step Process
    • The Four Levels of Conversation
    • Module Five: The Dining in Style
    • Understanding Your Place Setting
    • Using Your Napkin
    • Eating Your Meal
    • Sticky Situations and Possible Solutions

    Module Six: Eating Out

    • Ordering in a Restaurant
    • About Alcoholic Beverages
    • Paying the Bill
    • Tipping

    Module Seven: Business Email Etiquette

    • Addressing Your Message
    • Grammar and Acronyms
    • Top 5 Technology Tips

    Module Eight: Telephone Etiquette

    • Developing an Appropriate Greeting
    • Dealing with Voicemail
    • Cell phone Do’s and Don’ts

    Module Nine: The Written Letter

    • Thank You Notes
    • Formal Letters
    • Informal Letters

    Module Ten: Dressing for Success

    • The Meaning of Colors
    • Interpreting Common Dress Codes
    • Deciding What to Wear

    Module Eleven: International Etiquette

    • General Rules
    • Important Points
    • Preparation Tips

    Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

    • Words from the Wise


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