
  • 14 Lessons

    Knowledge Management​

    The Encarta Dictionary defines knowledge management as the organization of intellectual resources and information systems within a business environment. Sounds pretty simple, right? Take a moment, though, and think about all the information that each person has in their brain. That’s a lot of knowledge! The Knowledge Management Course will give members the tools that they will need to begin implementing knowledge management in your organization, no matter what the size of the company or the budget. Wherever there are humans working together for one goal, there is knowledge to be harvested, stored, and dispensed as needed..
  • 14 Lessons

    Leadership and Influence ​

    They say that leaders are born, not made. While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst of adversity. Often, simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it. A simple example is parenting. When a child arrives, many parents discover leadership abilities they never knew existed in order to guide and protect their offspring.
  • 14 Lessons

    Life Coaching Essentials​

    Life Coaching Essentials for many people often mistake a life coach for a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or a therapist. This misconception often leads people to believe they do not need a life coach since they feel as though nothing is wrong with their mental health. However, a life coach is designed to help improve a person’s professional and personal life by working with them to achieve their goals.
  • 14 Lessons

    Managing Personal Finances​

    Managing Personal Finances for many people are an unsolvable Rubik's cube filled with anxiety. We don’t teach children when they are young the value of a good credit score. Many people have a hard time formatting and sticking to a budget. You can easily solve the finance puzzle with a little hard work, self-control, and the right tools. Today is a new day; you are taking the first steps to reclaiming your financial freedom.
  • 14 Lessons

    Millennial Onboarding​

    Millennial Onboarding new employees is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing their skills, knowledge, and value within the company. It will help match the technically skilled Millennial workforce with new and emerging needs of your company, which gives your company an advantage within the market.
  • 14 Lessons


    Mobile learning, or mLearning, is defined as the delivery of learning, education or training on mobile devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops or PDAs. mLearning allows training and support to be taken anywhere, making it flexible and convenient for companies to use.
  • 14 Lessons

    Negotiation Skills

    Although people often think of boardrooms, suits, and million-dollar deals when they hear the word negotiation, the truth is that we negotiate all the time. Through this workshop you will be able to understand the basic types of negotiations, the phases of negotiations, and the skills needed for successful negotiating.
  • 14 Lessons

    Networking (Outside the Company)​ ​

    Networking – according to Merriam Webster is “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business”. These and other events can become more easily managed with this great workshop.
  • 14 Lessons

    Personal Branding

    Personal branding plays a crucial role in both your personal and professional life. Here are some key advantages: 1) Authenticity and Permission to Be Yourself, 2)Confidence Boost, 3) Credibility and Authority, 4) Differentiation, 5) Networking and Connection, 6)Online Presence Control, and 7) Leaving a Lasting Impression. Remember, building a personal brand is intentional and requires self-reflection. Consider what drives you, align your values, and proactively connect with others to enhance your personal brand.
  • 14 Lessons

    Personal Productivity​

    Most people find that they wish they had more time in a day. This workshop will show you how to organize your life and find those hidden moments. You will learn how to establish routines, set goals, create an efficient environment, and use time-honored planning and organizational tools to maximize your personal productivity.
  • 14 Lessons

    Public Speaking

    According to a 1973 survey conducted by the Sunday Times of London41% of people listed public speaking as their greatest fear. This statistic has been widely cited, and it’s often mentioned that more people fear public speaking than they fear death. However, there’s an interesting twist to this story. The survey was part of the R. H. Bruskin Associates American Fears study, which was reported in the London Sunday Times. Participants were asked to select their fears from a list of 14 common fears. When asked to choose their top fear, students in the study actually selected death more often than public speaking. So while public speaking was commonly feared, it wasn’t necessarily the top fear for most people. Despite this nuance, the fear of speaking before a group remains significant. If you’re looking to overcome this fear, workshops and training can indeed help boost your confidence and make you more comfortable in front of an audience. Remember, practice and preparation are key to successful public speaking!
  • 14 Lessons

    Risk Assessment and Management​ ​

    It is impossible to control or manage 100% of the risk, but knowing what to do before, during, and after an event will mitigate the damage and harm. Identifying potential hazards and risks and making it part of the day-to-day business is important. Safety should be the priority as every business must face the reality of risks and hazards.   In this workshop, we will look at risk in a manufacturing environment, but it can be adopted by all companies.
  • 14 Lessons

    Safety In The Workplace​

    Workplace safety is the responsibility of everyone in an organization. Companies have legal obligations to meet certain safety requirements, but many go further than the minimum obligations. Safety standards and procedures must be put in place, and everyone needs to follow the standards for them to be effective.
  • 13 Lessons

    Set 1 – Essential Principals to Smart Personal Financial Management

    Set 1 of 3 - Identifies the essential principals of smart personal financial management and common mistakes to avoid, as well as an overview of the Your Financial Partner System.
  • 117 Lessons

    Set 2 – Your Financial Partner Guidebook

    Our mission is to significantly help solve a major social problem dealing with the lack of financial awareness and financial literacy. We believe that teaching financial literacy and the essential principles of smart money are very important. This gives people the tools to address everyday financial decisions in a more informed manner and have the best possibilities to reach and maintain their personal and family financial goals, financial freedom and security; while passing on values, knowledge and assets to future generations to make their lives and the world a better place.
  • 39 Lessons

    Set 3 – Your Estate and Gift Planning Organizer

    Estate and gift planning is the process of developing appropriate strategies to accumulate, preserve, manage, and transfer assets over one’s lifetime, disability, and upon death. This is based upon your current personal values and objectives using appropriate legal documents, titling of assets and beneficiary selections to implement them.
  • 14 Lessons

    Social Intelligence

    Increasing Social Intelligence will provide benefits throughout their professional and personal lives. It is a fantastic tool for coaching and development as people will learn ‘people skills’. Improving social skills through active listening, understanding body language, and being more emphatic will give you the advantage in their interactions. Social interactions are a two-way street, know the rules of the road!
  • 14 Lessons

    Social Learning

    Social Learning is an effective way to train your employees through modeling positive behaviors. It is a great way to promote cohesion and involvement as it builds a culture of learning. You will learn the best way to conduct role plays, share best practices, and provide constant and immediate feedback.